What’s it like to be a Shaman traveling the world in complete service to Divine Will? Never boring!
In this adventure I was summoned to Guatemala by a Mayan Deity who wanted my most precious crystal – Yes it’s a true story, my life is far stranger than fiction.
In June of 2011 I completed an intense five-month adventure in Costa Rica by performing a wedding joining a beautiful couple, and their families, into one glorious tribe. It was time for my next gig.
“OK God where do you want me now?”
God is not subtle. Over the next week, five unrelated people told me “You HAVE to go to San Marcos in Lake Atitlan Guatemala.”
Seriously God? Are you SURE? The only thing I know about Guatemala is it’s the most dangerous city in the world right now. I’m going to at least need a landing spot with someone I can trust. Organize that and I’ll pack my bags.”
That night my friend David emailed me. He saved my life in Puerto Vallarta more than a year prior, I hadn’t heard from him since then.
The email said “Come visit me, I’m staying in this great place called San Marcos in Lake Atitlan Guatemala, you’ll love it.”
So I packed my bag, booked my flight and headed to Lake Atitlan – The Place Where the Rainbow Gets It’s Colors.
A place so magnetic some people think it’s the site of Atlantis.
It is said to be the most beautiful lake in the world – I’m from New Zealand, and I agree.
I do not advise going in the rainy season. The adrenaline inspiring road to Atitlan is narrow, steep and windy with waterfalls regularly cascading over its unguarded edges.
Atitlan is surrounded by three mighty volcanoes, the lake itself is the fourth. Twelve miles long and six wide, sprinkled with Mayan villages, one gets from place to place via ferry boat.
The boat that took us to San Marcos was called Titanic. This was not reassuring. We crossed the Lake mid afternoon when the waves were high and the boat was laden, it was a nerve-wracking introduction.
We hadn’t gotten far before every cell in my body was tingling, I knew without a doubt There’s a CITY under here! As we approached the center of the Lake I could feel the energy thrumming under me. THIS is why I am here.
We got back to David’s place on the shores of San Marcos and we both fell into a trancelike sleep, and dreamed the same dream.
I was walking the streets of the city beneath the lake. When I arrived at the center, there was a tiny Guatemalan woman dressed in native clothing.
She told me she had summoned me because Lake Atitlan is polluted, and I am renown for my water blessings.
I cleanse Sacred Waters all over the world using a fist sized Herkimer diamond given to me by a dear friend, Alan.
She told me she wanted that diamond.
Then I awoke.
I have long known that I am just the legs for my crystals, I don’t own them, I get to take them to where they are supposed to go.
But some crystals are harder to give up than others, and this was an incredibly precious stone in so many ways. I did not want to throw it in a lake!
I double checked every which way but came back with the same answer. I was here to give her my crystal. I decided I would need some hard evidence about this Lady.
It didn’t take long to find out that there is indeed a Lady of the Lake. She’s renown for asking for jewels and shiny things, and finds ways to claim them if they are denied.
Her City of Pa’Jaibal vanished beneath the waters about 1.700 years ago.
An electromagnetic vortex at the center of the lake is believed to be the power source of this sacred place.
I discovered the reason I was sent to San Marcos specifically was Las Piramides del Ka, a Shamanic School where the accommodation is all pyramids huts, and the gardens are all under pyramids.
They have two courses, the Course of the Moon is one month long, the Course of the Sun goes for three months.
Of course I arrived just as a fresh batch of Sun Course students were completing their training, in perfect time to fill in important gaps in their education.
I told them about my Quest and they wanted to come, so I hired a boat and off we went to give the Lady of the Lake the Diamond.
In Guatemala when you have big prayer requests, you make a hot air balloon, infuse it with your prayers, and then send it on up. I decided to let my 5’ balloon up from the center of the lake and drop the diamond in where it landed.
I felt sad when I returned to my place in San Pedro. I loved that crystal, I’d thought it necessary for my work, but apparently the Lady needed it more than I.
I got in one of the community baths San Pedro is famous for. The Lake water is heated by baking in black hoses all day, I chose a bath set apart from the others and sank deep into it, reaching out to the Lady. Please tell me you got the diamond!
Suddenly there she was, smiling broadly, the diamond in her hand. I was so relieved.
She held her other hand out to me, and together we sent waves of love and healing out into the waters.
“I feel lost without my favorite crystal” I told her
“There is another stone waiting for you in San Pedro” she said “An obsidian blade. It is part of your Heritage. You must get a Mayan Astrology Reading in San Pedro, it will explain.”
And then she was gone.
There’s only one crystal store in San Pedro. I went the next morning feeling ridiculous as I said to the woman behind the counter “The Lady of the Lake said you have an Obsidian Blade for me?”
“No” she said “It’s not here. It’s at home, wait here, I’ll get it.”
She returned with a magnificent blade about the same size as the Herkimer.
It locked into place in my palm. I knew immediately how to use it. As I did, it felt like something shifted in a far greater picture I could not yet see.
I got my reading, I’m an astrological ignoramus, I know I’m a Leo, that’s the extent of it, I’ve never really resonated with astrology.
Mayan Astrology BLEW MY MIND. It spoke to every part of my life as a Wounded Healer.
The stone representing me was, of course, The Obsidian Blade.
Four years later the Lady of the Lake saved my life after a Brown Recluse bit me on the brainstem. But that’s another story.
Here is the video. At 1:39 we send our intentions for purification and The Lady receives them with a dark pink beam of light!