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JOYQuests are most suitable for people on a Mission who want multiple issues cleared quickly. We clear you of what is Not you and make it so your memories can’t hurt or sabotage you. Align you with your Destined Path, and give you the tools to keep yourself aligned going forward

It’s like a Medicine Journey that transforms your whole life, but without the Medicine, or traveling, or vomiting.
I’m on a whole new Timeline in a new life I prayed for but didn’t think was possible”  John Stannon Lightworker

You can book a free Discovery Session BELOW to see what would best support you.

You may or may not qualify for a JOYQuest.

You are required to take 100% full personal responsibility for your JOYQuest, and for the Self Care you’ll need to support yourself as you adjust to a new TimeLine in an evolving life. It’s a S/Heroes Journey.

Depending on your issues and wishes, Integration may take several weeks;

Changes occur at a Cellular Level. Your body, Mind and Spirit have a lot to get used to, and it can feel strange at first. Your past loses its power to hurt you. Who are you without the trauma??  Everything looks the same, But  different.

  • You connect with your Guides, and learn your place in the Team.
  • You move more fully and confidently into who you are destined to be.
  • You will have the support you need, to do what you came here to do.
  • Here are some examples of JOYQuest experiences to give you a sense. The first 2 JOYQuests were over Zoom.

Christopher was in ‘hell’ unable to move forward in any area of his life

“I feel like a completely different person, I feel clear, empowered and ready to reclaim my power.
I have a connection with Source that I’ve been seeking my whole life thanks to JOY”

“Just wanted to take a minute to thank you for the life-changing Joy Quest you guided me on a few weeks ago.

It was without a doubt one of the most transformative things I’ve ever done in my life. I have gained access to resources that I once thought impossible for me. I’ve completely changed my past and created a brand new super awesome future! Things are STILL integrating and changing for me and I have a feeling that this is going to continue for some time. “

“If you want to uplevel your business, you have to begin by upleveling yourself”.

EVERYTHING Pamela desired is now coming to her after this one day JOYQuest.

SarahJoy is manifesting miracles every day since her 3 day JOYQuest.

People can’t push her buttons any more. Toxic patterns and people have fallen away, Wonderful new connections are pouring in. She has changed physically, and is standing fully in her Sovereignty while also playing and experiencing JOY in her world again. 

SarahJoy, now SJ, shares what she is noticing 5 years after her JOYQuest.

In a week long JOYQuest Tracy transformed  body mind and spirit, every part of her life is different.

She is healed from her brain injury, her widows hump is gone, her body changed shape, her eyes changed color, she has unassailable access to her Guides, her psychic abilities are at a whole new level, and so much more.

JOYQuest Session Application


Describe 2-3 main goals or results.
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