I’m known as The Wish Granter because people bring me wishes for their health and happiness.
I help clear the blocks and sabotaging patterns that stand between you and your dreams; connect you with your Guides; and empower You with the skills to keep yourself clear and connected.
My Do and Die Cartoon-like life has uniquely qualified me with an array of skills that allow me to resolve trauma and stress based issues on multiple levels, Quickly, Easily, Painlessly, often in a single session.
I specialize in reprogramming the brain for Optimal Levels of Productivity and JOY!
I teach how to experience JOY regardless of circumstance.
Western Medicine has given up on me 6 times, for 6 different reasons. I’m certified in more than a dozen different Holistic Healing Modalities.
I’ve had six Near Death Experiences, each time I’ve been returned with different abilities and uncommon perspective.